terça-feira, 28 de agosto de 2007

SolidEdge V20.

Parece que finalmente vão começar a chegar os updates V20 para os clientes em manutenção. Hoje chegaram os nossos DVDs, o que significa que entretanto vamos começar a receber os vossos pacotes que passaremos a distribuir ao modo que as formos recebendo.

DX10 vs DX9

Muito se tem falado sobre o DX 10 e dos aumentos de performance gráfica do novo windows Vista....mas quais são os ganhos efectivos entre o DX9 e DX10.

Dois sites acabam de lançar comparativos nesse sentido, o FiringSquad e o HardOCP ( tudo sites de jogos...claro).

Se a industria ainda não adoptou o vista por problemas de estabilidade e performance....basta ver o ultimo comentário cuja a performance da rede é fortemente afectada (até 90% de perca de velocidade) quando o media player corre (ver mais aqui) o consumo parece tardar em adoptar o Vista o que levou a Microsoft a antecipar o primeiro Service Pack

quinta-feira, 9 de agosto de 2007

Tutorial - Punho em 40 min com BlueSurf

Chega o verão e começa o bom tempo para andar de bicicleta.

Como os meus punhos estavam todos rebentados...(muita aterragem forçada) lembrei-me de pedir aos homens da prototipagem da Distrim2 para me fazerem uns punhos personalizados.

Para evitar que saísse algo fora do meu gosto ( não tinha orçamento para pagar aos designers da Grandesign ) decidi desenhar um punho.

A ideia era desenhar não um punho tubular, mas um punho mais confortável com grips para os dedos.


Para começar comecei por criar uma superfície tubular à qual retirei o bocado onde irei inserir a superfície com os espaços para os dedos. Para tal construí uma superfície em U com a qual trimei o tubo.

image002Para fazer os grips empreguei um bluesurf image003que para além de dar bons resultados é simples de utilizar e rápida...como a gente gosta!!!

Comecei por desenhar uma spline em forma de ondas com a configuração exacta dos meus dedos (quem me conhece sabe que tenhos os dedos meios tortos) .

Com o comando bluesurf é muito simples de utilizar…na prática permite criar uma superfície entre duas ou mais secções (A) com a possibilidade de defenir guias (B). Abaixo pode-se ver dois exemplos retirados do HELP .


Voltando ao punho, escolhi a minha secção de origem e a minha de destino o que me criou um superficie em forma de arco.


De seguida especifico qual a guia, para tal escolho a opção image006 guide selection na ribon bar e de seguida escolho as três guias A, B, C


E já está...posso refinar algo mais a tangências, mas o resultado já me satisfaz. De seguida crio a supercie interior que vai ficar em contacto com o guiador e crio mais dois topos para quando cozer as superfíes ficar com um sólido.


De seguida o heal & stich criou-me o solido que precisava, ao qual adicionei mais uns rebordos e uns cardados para evitar que a mão escorregue devido ao suor do excesso de pedaladas.


Como sou um atleta importante com obrigações junto dos patrocinadores...decidi colocar então um pequeno logo no punho....que até deu mais potência à coisa...lol

Eis o punho pronto para ir para produção, com o logo normal à superfície base....



Na próxima vou fazer um guiador....

terça-feira, 7 de agosto de 2007

Service Pack 8 para o SolidEdge V19

image001 a

Pois é, parece que me enganei a quem disse que o SP7 seria o ultimo para a V19...

Este pode ser descarregado nos sítios do costume.

Eis o log das alterações


This Update addresses the following Customer Reported PRs:

PR 1592734: Fixed a problem where a drawing view did not update after changing an assembly feature.
PR 1597791: Fixed a problem with Assembly Feature performance
PR 5774079: Fixed a problem that caused Solid Edge to hang.
PR 1601204 & 5785801, 1601204: Fixed a problem where Solid Edge was not properly freeing memory.
PR 5783092: Fixed a problem with Assembly and Part file save.
PR 1604936: Fixed a problem where Windows .NET 2.0 update KB928365 causes Standard Parts to stop working.
PR 1604886: Fixed an inconsistency in Czech Standard Parts localization
PR 5783494: Fixed a problem where Solid Edge aborts using Peer Variables.
PR 1599049: Fixed a problem where Parasolid based assembly translator needs to maintain structure and bring in multiple bodies into the same part ( if name attrib matches). Note: Run/dbl-click AsmXlatorSheetsAndSolidsTogetherOn.reg file to turn on this fix, then recreate the Parasolid file and step files before round-tripping into Solid Edge


PR 2083853: Fixed a problem where an Extruded Surface is always capping one end when From-To extent is used
PR 5661146: Fixed a problem where save as .tif does not work on SEx64
PR 5770295: Fixed a problem with Cannot borrow a solidedgecatiav4 translator license
PR 5773849: Fixed a problem where formulas are not recalculating correctly.
PR 1605256: Fixed a problem where Solid Edge aborts when trying to create a projection of a curve

PR 1599332: Fixed a problem that caused a crash during DWG import
PR 1600466: Fixed a problem where replace block does not work
PR 5772730: Fixed a problem where you are unable to locate images.
PR 5779513: Modified the Mouse wheel behavior in Draft to be consistent with 3D modeling environments.
PR 5765119: Fixed a problem where Save As PDF forces draft documents being saved to be active
PR 1594976: Fixed a problem where blocks were being corrupted through copy.


UGS muda de nome...outra vez


Segundo a cadalyst Tilo Brandis terá pedido a sua resignação o posto de presidente da divisão que adquiriu a UGS.Segundo ele a mudança ocorrerá numa boa altura em que a UGS cresce muito acima da média. Mais uma vez iremos mudar de nome...de UGS PLM Software para SIEMENS PLM Software (original...)

O original :

UGS PLM Software President Resigns

Helmuth Ludwig to replace Tilo Brandis as division head; company also announces it will drop ’UGS’ name beginning in October.

Aug 7, 2007

UGS PLM Software announced that Tilo Brandis has resigned as president of the Siemens division. Helmuth Ludwig, president of Siemens Systems Engineering since 2002, will replace Brandis.

UGS states that Brandis is leaving his position due to a "family health situation." Brandis joined UGS PLM Software to oversee the integration of the company into Siemens A&D and is credited with increasing awareness of UGS PLM Software’s business throughout Siemens.

Before becoming president of Siemens Systems Engineering, Ludwig opened and built up the first Siemens organization in Kazakhstan. In 1996, he joined A&D with responsibility for Process Instrumentation Systems. From 1998 until 2001, he was head of A&D’s Energy and Industry division in Buenos Aires. From 2001 to 2002, he was responsible for the A&D Software and Systems House. UGS states that Helmuth is in the process of planning his move to the Plano, Texas, area.

"Helmuth joins us at a very favorable time, thanks in great part to our second quarter performance," stated a UGS release announcing the appointment. "We are excited to report that in our Q2 (our first quarter as part of Siemens), our software license revenue growth was strong, significantly exceeding that of our key competitors."

The release also stated that effective October 1, the UGS PLM Software name will change to Siemens PLM Software. "The UGS PLM Software name has served as a good bridge to remind people of our heritage as we moved into the Siemens family," the release states. "Now, we have the opportunity to further leverage the world-class Siemens brand by associating it with our divisional name."

ATI lança novos modelos FireGL


A ATI lança cinco novos modelos de placas gráficas de gama profissional.

A primeira review da FireGL3600 pode ser encontrada aqui, as diferenças entre elas podem ser encontradas aqui.

E se quer mesmo ver um benchmarking entre elas (ATI apenas....) pode ver aqui.

segunda-feira, 6 de agosto de 2007

Mais uma coisa a adicionar à extensa lista de malefícios para a humanidade

Desta vez ....impressoras a laser....Um grupo de investigadores chegou à controversa conclusão que parte das impressoras a laser deixam passar pequenas partículas de toner que acabam por se alojar nos pulmões e causar cancro.

Este efeito é mais notável quando os toners são novos (chocalhar o toner dentro do saco e só instalar 1 hora depois) e quando se imprime gráficos, onde são empregues maiores quantidades de toner.

Quanto ao toner este é oficialmente composto por carvão e um polímero; o que resiste ao laser é posteriormente fundido aderindo assim ao papel

Claro que a HP e a Canon rejeitam categoricamente estas acusações tal como as empresas de distribuição eléctrica e telecomunicações negam os potenciais efeitos nefastos da radiação electromagnética...

Mais aqui e aqui.

PS ....hummm agora estou a ver porque o toner se gasta tão depressa...

Microsoft baixa o preço do Vista para metade

Com vista a evitar a pirataria existente (estimada em 80 a 90%) a Microsoft reduz o preço do seu Vista Home Basic e Vista Home Premium para metade de forma a encorajar os utilizadores a usar software legal (...legal de legítimo (pt) e não legal de bom (br).... ;-))

Mais aqui

sexta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2007

2D Solver na V20 do Solid Edge

O tempo não abunda por isso fica em inglês este tutorial, no final existe um vídeo...a não perder!!!

Engineering Calculation Tools in Solid Edge V20

Engineering calculation tools are available in the 3D environments and while drawing 2D geometry in profiles, sketches, and in the Draft environment. These tools are located on the Inspect menu in all environments and on the Measure Distance fly-out on the Drawing toolbar in Draft.

You can:

  • Measure distance, area, and length using the Measure commands.
  • Compute area, perimeter, centroid, and moments of inertia for one or more closed regions using the Area command.
  • Create a persistent area object with its own set of variables using the Area command.
  • Resolve what-if questions in 2D drawings, profiles, and design sketches using the Goal Seek command.
  • Automate engineering calculations based on dimensioned geometry to achieve a specific design goal using the Goal Seek command.
  • Reference 3D design variables in the Variable Table using the Variable Name property text string. Size values, for example, can be extracted into 2D dimensions in a sketch.

You can measure distances or areas even when you are in the middle of another task. To learn how, see these sections within the Help topic, Distance and Area Measurement:

  • Measure linear distance in 2D drawings, sketches, and profiles.
  • Measure distance and angles on a 3D part, sheet metal, or assembly.
  • Measure minimum distance.
  • Measure length.
  • Measure area.
  • Perimeter, as well as area, is measured by the Inspect’Area command.

To set the units for measuring distances and areas, use the File’File Properties command, and then set the options on the Units page of the File Properties dialog box.

Area Calculations and Information
On the Inspect menu, both the Measure Area command and the Area command calculate the area inside one or more closed boundaries, but the Area command does much more.

If you select the Create Area option on the Area ribbon bar before you compute the area, the filled area becomes an object that is associative to the boundary used to define it. The quantitative information is retained and can be reviewed on the Area Properties page of the Info dialog box. You can manipulate this area object and it will update the area and other calculations.

Use the Area command if you want to:

  • Calculate additional quantitative information about the region, such as perimeter and moments of inertia.
  • Display centroid (X,Y) and principal moments of inertia (PX,PY) coordinate systems for the area.

Product Support 1.jpg

  • Use the handle point generated for the region included in the area object to select and drag the area fill into another closed boundary.


  • Select automatically generated area object properties for perimeter or area as the dependent variable whose value you want to calculate in goal seeking calculations.
  • Reuse the area object and its information in further calculations or in other processes. For example, you can dimension to the keypoint at the origin of the area coordinate system located at the centroid of the area object.


  • Calculate the discrete area of overlapping elements, and then add or remove geometry and recalculate, as illustrated by examples (A) and (B).



Modifying Area Display Properties
To distinguish area objects from other 2D elements, you can set different display properties for them using options on the Area ribbon bar and the Info dialog box.

Coordinate system axes

  • Independent controls for the centroid coordinate system and the principal moments of inertia coordinate system are available on the Coordinate Systems page of the Info dialog box. You can turn the coordinate systems on and off and change the display colors and characteristics of the leaders and text.
  • Even when the coordinate system axes are turned off, you can still see and select the center-of-area keypoint located at the centroid of the area object. You can use this keypoint to connect other objects to it, such as dimensions.
  • The overall size of the coordinate system is controlled by the font size in the dimension style.

Area fill color and pattern

  • Prior to creating an area object, you can select a fill style from the Fill Style list on the Area ribbon bar.
  • You also can make independent changes to the line, color, and pattern used to fill an area object using the options on the Fill page of the Info dialog box.

After you have created an area object, you can select an area and modify its fill and coordinate system properties by selecting the Properties button on the Area ribbon bar or by choosing Properties from the area object shortcut menu.

Goal Seeking
The Goal Seek command automates engineering calculations to achieve a specific design goal. These can be based on dimensioned geometry. For example, you can use the Goal Seek command to find the appropriate dimensions given a desired target area value.

Goal seeking finds a specific value for a dependent variable (dependent by formula, for example) by adjusting the value of another variable, until it returns the result you want. Goal seeking shows you the effect on the geometry and it also updates the Variable Table with the new value.

The Goal Seek command operates on driven and driving formulas, variables, and dimensions attached to 2D geometry. The type of dimension you add-driving or driven-determines what you can solve for.

Driving variables and dimensions, which are independent, can only be used for the Variable To Change. Driven variables and dimensions, which are dependent, can only be used for the Goal Variable. For example, when you create an area object, you generate driven variables for perimeter, area, and moments of inertia in the Variable Table. These can be selected as the Goal Variable. The Variable To Change should be related to the Goal Variable so that when a change is made to the Variable To Change, it causes the Goal Variable to change through a formulaic or geometric relationship. For more information, see the Best Practices in Goal Seeking section in the Engineering Calculation Tools Help topic.

When you are ready to run goal seeking, use the options on the Goal Seek ribbon bar to:

  • Select the dependent Goal Variable that you want to calculate or modify.
  • Set a Target Value you want to achieve.
  • Select the Variable To Change.
  • Select the check mark to begin the calculation.

The dimensioned geometry updates to show the results of the calculation.

You can change the Goal Variable, the Target Value, and the Variable To Change to achieve different goals.

Many calculations based on geometry can be solved in more than one way. You can extend the length of time the goal seeking operation runs by editing the limits set on the Goal Seek Options dialog box. For more information, see the Controlling Goal Seeking Attempts section in the Engineering Calculation Tools Help topic.

A tutorial is available to assist you in learning how to use the goal seeking workflow. To access this tutorial, choose Help’Tutorials, and then look in the Draft Tutorials section.

Interaction with the Variable Table
System-generated variables, user-defined variables, and values are maintained in the Variable Table. The Variable Table defines functional relationships between the variables and dimensions of a design. When you create an area object with the Area command, a corresponding set of variables and current values are generated automatically in the Variable Table. Similarly, when you place a driving dimension on a sketch or profile element, a dimension variable and value are generated.

  • Dimensions and area objects that you add to the 2D and 3D geometry are also added automatically to the Variable Table.
  • When you add a dimension, you can choose the type of dimension you add-driving or driven-determines what you can solve for.
  • All area object variables for area, perimeter, and coordinate systems are driven (dependent) variables.
  • You can type formulas directly in the Variable Table to reference any dimensional and area object variables and values.

As you add dimensions to your drawing, you may want to work with the Variable Table open. This way, you can change each system-generated variable name to a more logical name as you work. When you rename variables, the variable name must begin with a letter, and it should contain only letters, numbers, and the underscore character. Do not use punctuation characters.

You can show variables and values in your 2D design using annotations that reference the Variable Table through property text. In this example, property text in callouts reference weight and force values calculated for the crane, crate, and force.


To extract property text from the Variable Table into an annotation, in the Select Property Text dialog box, choose Variables From Active Document as the property text source. To learn how to do this, see the Help topic, Extract Variable Table data using property text.

You can open and review the Variable Table contents by selecting the Tools’Variables command.


When reviewing or editing variable names and values through the Variable Table, you may need to know which variable name is associated with which dimension in the design. This is true especially when you are editing a design you are not familiar with, or if the 2D geometry and dimensions are placed on many different layers.

With the Variable Table open, you can click a cell labeled Dim in the Type column, and then look in the graphics window for the highlighted dimension.

Best practices in goal seeking
There are several things you can do to ensure the goal seeking operation succeeds.

  • Add geometric relationships-As you draw, IntelliSketch adds geometric relationships automatically. You also can use the Relationship Assistant command to add geometric relationships to profiles so that the geometry is fully constrained. Fully constrained geometry ensures more predictable results.

The Relationship Assistant is particularly useful when working with geometry that you import from other systems.

  • Add driven variables and dimensions (for the Goal Variable) - For a variable value that you want to be able to modify or calculate, add a driven dimension, or create an area object, or define a formula using driven variables. The value of a driven variable or dimension is controlled by the element it refers to, or by a formula or variable you define.
  • Add driving variables and dimensions (for the Variable To Change) - For a variable value that you want to allow to change, add a driving dimension or variable. The value of a driving variable or dimension controls the size, orientation, or location of an element. Changing this variable must cause the Goal Variable to change, too.
  • Set up the problem - Sometimes, if the initial conditions set on the ribbon bar are too widespread, goal seeking will not find the target value or it may require too many iterations. If you start the goal seeking operation with the value of the Variable To Change set such that the Goal Variable is close to the Target Value, the iterative process generally will be faster and more successful.
  • Set numerical limits - You can use the Variable Rule Editor dialog box, available within the Variable Table, to set upper and lower limits on the domain of possible values that can be used for the Variable To Change. You can define a discrete set of values, or a range of values, for a variable. This allows you to restrict design changes to a controlled set of values.

    • Example 1-If you are seeking a value for the diameter of a circle or the length of a line, you should set a limit that their value be greater than 0.
    • Example 2-If you are seeking the diameter of a pipe, then you should set a limit that the outer diameter is greater than the inner diameter.
    • Example 3-If you are seeking an angle, then you should define a rule that limits the possible solutions to an acceptable range, such as between 5° and 90°, or between 90° and 180°.

To learn how to set limits on variables, see the Help topic, Define limits for a variable.

Controlling Goal Seeking Attempts
The Goal Seek command is an equation-solving algorithm that works through an iterative process to find the target value for a goal. Numerical solution techniques such as these can fail to solve the equation or produce numerical instabilities. The Maximum Time and Maximum Number Of Iterations set in the Goal Seek Options dialog box limit the amount of time that goal seeking will run should it fail to find a solution.

When an equation fails to produce a solution, it may be due to any of these factors:

  • There may not be a solution for a given set of inputs.
  • The maximum number of iterations was reached before a solution was found.
  • The maximum time limit was reached before a solution was found.

You can adjust the maximum time or maximum number of iterations to suit the needs of the particular situation you have. Select Goal Seek Options on the Goal Seek ribbon bar to open the Goal Seek Options dialog box.